The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Back on June 26, 1997, a magical novel was released. This book introduced us all to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. In case you have been living under a rock for the last 20 years or so, this book concerned a young boy. This boy started a journey into a world that existed right under all of our noses. The boy’s name is Harry Potter. He was thought up by J.K. Rowling and was thrust into a world of mystery, friendship, and adventure. So, get yourself a drink, or a snack and journey with us into this wonderful world of magic!

Harry Potter, an orphan, discovers that he is a young wizard. While this realization pulls him out of a truly miserable existence with his aunt and uncle, the wizarding world proves to be challenging in itself. He discovers that the man who murdered his parents has vowed to return and finish him off. There are also some situations from the past that Harry must navigate through as well. Along with his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry must overcome these obstacles on top of being a young boy growing into a man.

I Admit That I Love It

I am not ashamed to admit that I am a huge fan of the wizarding world. It is a great story about self-realization and the tribe you surround yourself with. For the most part, if Harry did not have his friends, he would never have survived past book one! This is also a story about trusting yourself and your decisions. Harry is riddled with the outcomes of his decisions and whether he was doing the right thing or not.

This story has gripped the world and touched people of all ages, races, and genders. We have theme parks with Harry Potter locations, several movies, video games, and endless merchandise options. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter boasts a huge and devoted following.

The Boy Who Lived

This will not be a comprehensive review of the story, but it will include a brief run-down. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone started it all. The very first book started immediately after some traumatic events for an infant Harry Potter. The circumstances are mysterious and all we find out is that Harry escaped death as an infant with only a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. This incredible story continues from there.

From here, we get 7 books and 8 feature films. The films continue with the Fantastic Beasts story which is on the 3rd movie as well.

Life At Hogwarts

After finding out that he is a wizard, Harry must immerse himself in the wizarding world. He has to attend school in order to hone his skills, he has to learn the ins and outs, and he wants to find out what happened to his parents.

The name of the school is Hogwarts. It is a prestigious school with a long history in the Wizarding World. The school contains 4 houses that students are separated in. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

the wizarding world of harry potter

Brave, daring, and valiant Gryffindor.

Loyal, reliable, and kind Hufflepuff.

Cunning, ambitious, and resourceful Slytherin.

Intelligent, witty, and creative Ravenclaw.

Personally, I belong to house Ravenclaw. Many people have taken the test that determines what house they belong to. Once it is determined people take that house seriously!

Plenty of people can identify with the longing to belong somewhere. Harry felt out of place with his aunt and uncle, and discovers that he belongs somewhere else…at Hogwarts! It is a great premise that you belong somewhere that is fun and adventurous and exclusive. Not everyone receives an invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It is clear that the wizarding world of Harry Potter will continue to be a special story to many people for years to come. Wands ready! Make sure you have your magical equipment and supplies and bookmark this site for more info to come about the wizarding world!