Journaling Supplies

If you think that you need elaborate journaling supplies to journal effectively, you may want to rethink that mindset. All you need is yourself, a comfortable pen or pencil, and the willingness to be open and intentional about journaling.

Now is the time to go over the benefits of journaling. Life can be stressful, and not everyone has the ability to go and see a therapist. While seeing a therapist should be the goal, one very powerful tool that you have available is putting pen to paper and writing out your thoughts and feelings.

As this is not medical advice, this article will go over what works for me. The process that works for you is totally your own and can be found out by testing different techniques.

On the same hand, I believe that getting thoughts out of your head is a great way to relieve stress. Take a look at these proven benefits of journaling:

  • Reduces Stress. An overabundance of stress can be damaging to your physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Improves Immune Function.
  • Keeps Memory Sharp.
  • Boosts Mood.
  • Strengthens Emotional Functions.

Many people have their ideas of what journaling supplies they need, but I prefer to keep it simple. For me, nothing beats simple paper and pen. In addition to a great morning routine, journaling can also be a great way to release pent-up feelings and remove negative energy.

However, even if you do not journal in the morning, it can still have the same benefits no matter what time of day you do it!

The Best Journals For Journaling:

best books to read

There are many options available for writing your thoughts down. Using regular loose paper can work…but where would you store it?

I suggest a notebook of some kind. I happen to have the perfect type right here!

This is a perfect journal that can be used for getting your thoughts, ideas, dreams, and goals out of your head. This design is simple and elegant.

the best books to read

In the same vein, you can pick up a more playful journal. Give yourself a giggle every time you look at the cover of this one.

It can be used to write your thoughts in, or get your list together as the cover suggests!

best books on journaling

This journal is for people who love flowers, or for anyone who likes attractive pictures. The cover on this journal is absolutely beautiful. It is still, however, a simple journal for recording your thoughts. Each of these journals can have a great positive benefit on your mental health!

The Journal For Accomplishing Goals:

journaling supplies

Each of these journals is a wonder to use. It is simple. Just you and your thoughts and paper. This journal, however, is a little more deliberate in it’s direction.

This journal will give you the opportunity to chart your goals for 30 days. You are able to set your goals on a daily basis, rate your progress, and grade yourself!

Introducing the Uplifting Words Mastermind Productivity Journal! This is designed to have you give yourself goals and crush them on a daily basis. I dare you to do this challenge and give yourself 30 days to see how much you will accomplish. This journal gives you purpose and a target to aim for.

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