Craft a Good Morning Routine

good morning routine

The year 2020 has given many people the challenge of adapting to a ‘new normal’. Many things that people were used to doing, they could no longer do, nor maintain. More than anything else, the year 2020 has amplified the importance of having a good morning routine.

At the start of this pandemic, many states issued stay at home orders and, many people were forced to shift to remote working only. All at once, people how do figure out how to work at home while having children participating in virtual learning as well.

Everything has changed…

Inevitably, many people developed toxic leaning morning routines. Just a few examples of this are hitting the snooze button on your alarm, being able to stay in bed longer than normal without having to get up to make it to the office on time, and the dreaded doom-scrolling on a phone or tablet while in the bed.

Of all the negative morning acts that we participate in, I believe that vicious doom-scrolling is the most destructive of all. Studies have shown that starting your day going through your social media newsfeed, or looking at news alerts can spike cortisol levels, making you feel out of control of your entire day from the very beginning!

Boost your good morning routine by ditching your phone when you first wake up.

We can’t control the world however, we have total control over our own thoughts and behaviors. Starting the day off with a happy, upbeat attitude can set the tone for your entire day. Having that happy and upbeat attitude is very hard to attain if you read about terrors of the world on the news, or look on social media to see what others in your circle are up to.

What can YOU do about it?

Some people underestimate the power of their own minds. I don’t subscribe to the ‘waking up on the wrong side of the bed’ mantra. You are in total control of the direction of our days whether you believe it or not. You have a choice. We all can choose to have a good morning routine.

We do not have control over what happens to us on a daily basis, but we are in full control of how we react. Set your day off on a prosperous track by taking control of your own thoughts and behaviors by choosing to start your day with joy and gratitude. Maybe even some movement and water.

Let’s go over some alternate actions that you can engage in to help create a good morning routine.

I. Have a glass of water.

Your body tends to be dehydrated when you first wake up. Help to get your body ready for the day by having water with lemon before getting that cup of coffee.

II. Get right up.

Don’t allow yourself to lay in the bed. Idle mind leads to idle hands leads to your misery device. Once you wake up…get up and get moving!

III. Have an orgasm.

If you must lay in the bed first thing in the morning, at least get your heart rate up! There are many benefits to having sex or engaging in some solo play in the morning. Some of the more noticeable effects can be relieving stress, releasing endorphins, and increasing brain power AND your immune system!

IV. Cuddle with your significant other.

If sex is not on the menu first thing in the morning, but you have a warm, loving body to cuddle up to, that can stimulate your oxytocin levels. This can act as a sort of foreplay in the morning and get you in the mood easier later on in the evening.

V. Journal or write out your day.

This could be an entire article by itself. The short of it is to write what is on your mind first thing in the morning. It could be your dream from the night before, whatever thoughts or ideas that you have running through your mind, or a to-do list. (I would suggest writing out your to-do list the night before, however.) The point is to write and allow your mind to engage and prepare for the day. I suggest the Uplifting Words Mastermind Productivity Journal.

VI. Read a book.

Allow your mind to jump right back into that world of the book you have been reading. Fill your spirit by reading about spiritual development. Go over your horoscope for the day. Stay in fantasy land by reading about wizards, knights and dragons.

VII. Listen to a podcast or audiobook.

If you are like me, then reading is not your forté. However, listening to audiobooks and podcasts are. I enjoy starting my day off listening to motivational programs. Consider people like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Eric Thomas, Gary Vaynerchuck, and hundreds more. This is my go-to for filling up on motivation and positivity first thing in the morning.

VIII. Meditate.

There are plenty of methods of meditation. Many of them involve emptying your mind and focus on being present…in the moment. The key is to focus on your breathing and concentrate on what you feel in that moment. Do not worry about what happened yesterday and don’t fret over what you may have coming up today. Clear your mind, concentrate on your breathing, and let go. Bonus points if you have a way to listen to some relaxing or meditative music.

IX. Get jamming to your favorite tunes.

If you have never experienced the pure joy of dancing around your house to your favorite music in the morning, then you are missing out! Let your significant other stare in amazement…allow your kids to get a giggle out of how ridiculous you may look or sound. Forget all of that and allow yourself to get loose!

X. The amazing morning workout.

What else could get your blood racing and your heart pumping other than a morning workout (besides step 3)? You don’t even have to be a member of a gym. You could walk or run outside. Companies like Apple and Google give access to virtual workout classes that you can participate in from your own living room. There are plenty of exercises that you can do that only require your own body weight or a chair. You can participate in yoga. The possibilities are endless. The point is to start your day by getting your heart rate up.

There are many more ways to establish your own good morning routine. The choice is yours. You can focus on starting your day being grateful and optimistic, or you can choose to only see doom and gloom. The rest of your day will follow suit.

Get mental focus and clarity in the morning.